Monday, January 15, 2007

Chapter 5 - Teaching w/ Software Tools: Beyond the Basic Programs

Why use Software Support Tools?
  • Improved efficiency and productivity
  • Improved appearance
  • Better accuracy and timelines of information
  • More support for interaction and sharing

Recent developments in software support tools:

  • PDA tools (personal digital assistants)
  • Web-connectivity features
  • Software suites (Abobe inDesign and Photoshop)

Types of Software Support Tools

1. Materials Generators - Allow creation and use of documents, tests, exercises, IEPs, certificates, PDFs, and forms.

  • Desktop publishing software -students can be their own publishers, they can create documents on separate pages and then link them together. Used to practice grammar, spelling and communication, can be used as a method of reporting research findings, and provide opportunities for creative work. ****See page 159 - Top Ten Rules****
  • Test generators and test item banks -
  • Worksheet and puzzle generators
  • IEP generators - helps with teacher accountability, can even accept data updates on student's progress
  • Graphic document makers
  • PDF and forms makers - (Portable Document Format (Acrobat Reader) teachers can create forms and store them as templates for later use.

2. Data Collection - Collect data from students; track progress and support decision making; analyze data from experiments and research.

  • Electronic Gradebooks - require less teacher set-up time than spreadsheets, but also allow less flexibility on format options.
  • Statistical packages - Can help with qualitative data collection and analysis and analysis of student performance on tests.
  • Student Information systems - (SIS) networked software systems that help educators keep track of student, class, and school data (attendance, test scores) to maintain records and support decision making.
  • Online and computer-based testing systems
  • Student response systems - also called personal response systems or classroom response systems - combination of handheld hardware and software that permit each student in the classroom to answer a question simultaneously.

3. Graphic Tools - Illustrate documents and web pages, and create visual data summaries.

  • Draw/paint programs - (Kid Pix)
  • Image editing software - to modify photographic images
  • Charting/graphing software - automatically draw and print desired charts or graphs from data entered by users.
  • Clip art, animation, sound and font collections -

4. Planning and Organizing Tools - Help organize ideas for writing; help organize, plan, and schedule activities.

  • Outlining and concept mapping software - designed to prompt writers as they develop outlines to structure documents they plan to write. Kidspiration for younger users to think through and explore ideas and topics.
  • Lesson planning software -
  • Scheduling and time management tools - Schedule makers help formulate plans for daily, weekly, or monthly sequences of appointments and events.

5. Research and Reference Tools - Help students research assigned topics.

  • Electronic encyclopedias
  • Electronic atlases and mapping tools
  • Electronic dictionaries and thesauruses

6. Tools to Support Specific Content Areas - support technology education, music, reading, science, math, geography, and social studies.

  • CAD systems - computer-assisted design for precise drawings of houses or cars
  • MIDI tools: music educators and sequencers - provides blank bars on which the user enters the musical key, time and individual notes
  • Reading tools - Readability analysis software automates calculations of word count, average word length, number of sentences, or other measures of reading difficulty. Software designed to track students reading skills is becoming increasingly popular.
  • MBLs/CBLs - microcomputer-based lab (probeware) software with special sensors that measure light, temperature, voltage or speed.
  • GPS and GIS systems - geographic information systems- after it has stored all of the data that describe a given location, the GIS can then display the data in map form. Global Positioning System (GPS) is a worldwide radionavigation system that uses satellites as reference points.

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